ExpiredFree Rowse Honey Bee Seeds

Rowse is giving away 86,000 FREE wildflower seeds to help cultivate the bee population in your garden! Order yours now before they run out!

Protect the bees and grow your very own wildflowers to feed them. Wildflowers are ideal as bees love bright flowers of varied heights.

Rowse will send you wildflower seed balls for free, including chamomile, corn marigold, common poppy and oxeye daisy!

Bees adore the mix, Even though so many of us prefer the uniformity so, try to use one or two flowers in garden borders, Bees adore the mix.

Wildflowers are full of nectar and pollen, which bees need to eat, pollinate crops and other flora, as well as making nectar.

Click the button above to get more infromation on how to get FREE seeds.

Free Rowse Honey Bee Seeds
Free Rowse Honey Bee Seeds

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